Meet Naomi Khalil

Board Member

Naomi Khalil. Ed.S. consultant, facilitator and change agent has over 25 years of experience with leading and learning in the areas of diversity, equity and justice. In addition to her educational experience as teacher, school administrator and district leader, Ms. Khalil, of Arab heritage, has native fluency in Spanish and has lived and traveled extensively abroad. This vast experience, coupled with her own identities and life experiences, allows Ms. Khalil to bring a unique, yet powerful perspective to the world of diversity work. 

In addition to serving on the NO HARM Board of Directors, Naom is a board member of MOASH (Michigan Organization On Adolescent Sexual Health) and an advisory board member for Peace Players Detroit, M-DICE, and She also serves on the Detroit4Youth Steering Committee working to streamline and prioritize the voice and needs of youth ages 0-26 across the city.

Naomi is an agent of racial and social justice, civic literacy and civic engagement, and leads both students and adults on a journey of self-discovery as they explore their own words and actions in relationship to others. Her life’s passion is to celebrate unity through diversity, and she is always willing to push the status quo in order to help us live into that passion.